RSSOwl allows you to organize, search, and read feeds.


RSSOwl is an RSS and Atom news reading application done in Java. An RSS reader is an application that collects posts from websites and sends them directly to you.

So, instead of going to your favorite ten sites in the morning to look at the news, you can simply go to RSSOwl and read all your favorite news in a single location. Totally practical. The good thing about this application is that it was done in Java; in other words, it is pretty universal. Any operative system can run Java applications as long as there is the framework to run them. RSSOwl has some pretty innovating features. It allows you to move RSS feeds to bins, so that you can better classify them. Think of it as making groups of your favorite feeds. You can also easily undo or redo any operation. It has happened to me that I have deleted feeds to only have to do the adding all over again. A simple undo will correct your mistake. The graphical user interface is well divided into three panes to make reading a whole lot easier.


  • Nice GUI
  • Works in most platforms
  • It is free


  • None
This program received 6 awards
License type:
Open source